Testimonials Prenatal Bonding(BA) and HypnoBirthing
My daughter was born naturally without any complication and is truly a peaceful being. I’m very appreciative of our sessions and believe that they were life changing allowing me to connect with my baby on a deeper level. N.B.
“I loved the weekly meetings as I had time to just focus on me and my new baby’s bond. It was amazing how connected I felt with my child even early on in pregnancy and how things I felt internally were confirmed later on in midwifery appointments or ultrasounds. My labor was an easy one and my son and I worked together during his birth. I talked with him the whole time and now that he is out of the womb I feel a wonderfully strong bond with him. He is a very mellow, easy baby and I truly believe we work so well together because of this early bonding time. A.E.
Below are testimonials from the outcomes!