Pregnancy Services in Seattle, WA
Welcome to Soul of Birthing
Have you ever thought about what your baby is experiencing while he/she is growing in the womb?
Research over the past 50 years has been addressing the effects of stress on these little human beings. Neuroscience has changed the paradigm by understanding the hormones of pregnancy and how a mother’s experience can change the brain structure and emotional regulation of the new human being.
Although prenatal emotions have been accepted since ancient times in China, India, Japan and Africa, even there, the traditions have been lost and now coming back to the beauty of this ancient knowledge. Childbirth Educators to Obstetricians, practitioners are opening their eyes to the importance of the gestational period. The beauty of this work is educating our practitioners, social workers, psychologist and families now with the correct information that can change the lives of our babies coming into the world. Welcome to the new world of empowering our mothers and fathers/partners to gain this knowledge that will, in the long run, change society as a whole. Womb ecology is world ecology as Dr. Thomas Verny, Psychiatrist expresses. Be on the cutting edge of science and engage in this wonderful field of welcoming our babies to our wombs and through birthing. Compassionate beings could be the end result of this new paradigm. Please join us.
If you are thinking of getting pregnant or already pregnant I want to hear from you. Call 508-237-6768 or email me at for a free consultation on any of the programs listed.
Prenatal Bonding

Most families are not aware of the need to bond with our babies in utero. We live in such a success oriented society, that there is little time to enjoy a pregnancy. We have such violence in our society that many women have to endure challenging relationships. When the mother is depressed or sad, this can impact the baby. When recognized early on, the healing can begin. In over 8,000 case studies, there is less than 2% postpartum depression.
Empowering Pregnancy

How many of our mothers realize how important their loving impact is on the growth of their babies? How the gestational environment can impact their baby’s brain growth? Is it a toxic womb or a loving womb? This information is extremely important to future generations of humans. Therefore, this is the beginning of connection in the womb to a new type of mothering starting before conception or through pregnancy.

After teaching conventional childbirth for forty years, I was truly impressed with the benefits of the HypnoBirthing® Program. Most childbirth education courses do not address prenatal bonding, fears of birthing, and positive thinking toward better parenting skills.
Edmonds, WA 98020